- apply at any branch or a savings bank of the Bank;
- you must have an ID document proving your identity;
- submit the full package of documents.

- Instant issuance of a card: within 2 working days in Bishkek, up to 5 working days in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.

From all BAKAI BANK OJSC ATMs or from other banks' ATMs, those that support your card payment system (Visa or ELCARD). 

Cash disbursement points (via POS-terminals) of BAKAI BANK OJSC or those of other banks, which has information on servicing cards of your payment system (Visa or ELCARD). In this case, you will need to show an identity document, as it is required by the bank.

- Do not leave the ATM immediately, wait a few minutes (1-3) until all ATM processes are completed, there might be some technical problems in the ATM, and the money did not come to the dispensing area immediately;

- Write down the time and place where you did not receive the money; if the ATM gave out a receipt, be sure to keep it;

- There is usually a telephone number (0(312)61-00-61) on all ATMs; you should call this number and inform about the incident; if necessary, you will need to write a statement at the bank's outlet;

- If you have not contacted the bank, contact the bank to fill out a statement of disputed transaction, which will be considered within 30 days.

- Usually there's a phone number on ATMs (0(312)61-00-61), you need to call this number and report the incident, and if necessary, you will need to write a  statement at the bank branch. 

- Reminder after 3 attempts feeding wrong card PIN  - if your attempts are exceeded, your card will be automatically blocked. Also, you have to take into account that the card has an expiration date, which is placed on the front side. It is also necessary to follow the requirements for using the card, in particular if the chip and/or the magnetic strip is damaged, the card becomes unusable. In these circumstances, you should contact the Bank to reissue the payment card. 

-You can pay online with VISA cards, but you should read the terms and conditions of the site to make sure VISA cards are accepted for purchases. 

-When applying for a payment card, for security purposes, the Bank restricts access to online payments through the card. To open access to online payments, you must submit an application to the Bank or change it in mobile banking Bakai24.  Please note: the risk of fraud increases when you pay by card for online purchases. 

-You must immediately call your bank anf get your card blocked by calling the 24/7 Call-Center - tel. (312)637696 or during working hours of the Bank (Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00) - by tel. (312)610-107, 610-238. Please remember the phone number on the back of your card is for emergency contact with the Bank in case of loss/theft of card. 

- Contact any branch of the Bank and fill out an application for re-issue of the card (processing time for issuing a new card is 5 working days in Bishkek, 10 working days for the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic).

-В целях безопасности ПИН-код знаете только Вы.

-Вы можете сменить ПИН-код в мобильном банкинге Bakai24 и в банкоматах. 

- You can pay by card at any retail or service outlet where you see the Elcard and VISA Electron/Classic/Gold logo. As a rule, the logo is located on the door or cash register.

-First of all, you should get yourself familiarized with the Bank's tariffs and pay attention to the fees for cashing out and making purchases with the payment card.

-Additional fees may be charged when servicing at other banks.

- You can replenish your payment card by depositing money through the Bank's savings bank offices and branches of the Bank, if you have an identity document and know the details of the bank card. Commission for depositing money is not charged.

- To improve the safety when using payment cards, the Bank has set a limit of 25,000 Kyrgyz soms/300 US dollars per transaction in ATMs.