Social cards

Social card is a multifunctional registered plastic card, which is issued to a citizen who is a recipient of social assistance.
  • Issue : Free of charge
  • Account maintenance fee : Free of charge
  • Reissue : Free of charge
Social cards


Elcard payment card - for "Social allowances" allows ensuring convenient and safe receipt of social payments and allowances. Using our card for "Social payments" you can get cash for free in 7 banks (ATMs and POS-terminals) of Friendly network, as well as pay for various goods, services, state taxes and duties in all banks of the Kyrgyz Republic for free.

Cards for "Social Payments" significantly simplify life of their holders, simplifying the procedure for receipt of payments due. When receiving allowances on the card you can withdraw cash at any convenient time in the nearest ATM, thereby avoiding long lines and transportation costs. And when you pay by card, receive a sales tax percentage discount.


  • Account opening and social card issuance are FREE OF CHARGE;
  • Cashing out of the account in the terminals of the Bank - FREE OF CHARGE;
  • Maintenance of the account - FREE OF CHARGE;
  • Reissuance of social cards (at the end of the term) - FREE OF CHARGE;
  • Closing of an individual bank account - FREE OF CHARGE.


For more details please reach out to our Contact Center by dialing 6111 or visit directly Bakai Bank branches.

Three Steps to a New Bakai Bank Card

Fill out an application
It takes 2 minutes, all you need is a contact person and a phone number
Wait for the operator to call you
We'll let you know when and where to pick up the card when it's ready
Pick up your card
Come to a bank office and present your passport

Submit a request for assistance

You can either by sending or by calling us for consulting

We guarantee the security of your information