VISA Payment card
  • Currency : KGS, USD
  • Issue : Free of charge
  • Annual maintenance fee : 200 KGS/$5



VISA Gold is a premium VISA card for business people with an above average income. It attests to the status and wealth of the cardholder. 

Visa cards are a universal payment instrument that is accepted all over the world in any points marked with the Visa logo, including ATMs, real and virtual stores (Internet stores), as well as stores offering goods and services by mail and telephone. It is popular with middle-income consumers because it guarantees convenience, choice and financial flexibility. Cards in this category are an optimal combination of cost and range of services. They are accepted without restrictions at ATMs, retail and service outlets worldwide, including those that use imprinters (mechanical devices for accepting bank cards).

Cardholders are provided with a wide range of services: cash withdrawal at ATMs and POS terminals and the ability to order goods and services over the Internet or by phone, rent a car, book a hotel, etc.

Currency: KGS or USD
Issue: free of charge
Annual service: 200 soms/$5.
Cashback: 1% for purchases at POS-terminals (on the territory of KR) and 3% for online purchases (local transactions). More.

For detailed information, please get hold of the consultants by phone contact center 6111 or get information directly at the branches of "Bakai Bank". 


Overdraft "Instant Advance"of "Bakai Bank" allows you to pay for payments in case of lack of funds on the card.

"Bakai Bank" offers to take advantage of an advantageous offer - overdraft "Instant Advance" for the clients who have the salary card from "Bakai Bank". Holders of salary cards issued by the bank can take advantage of this product on their salary card up to three salaries. As well as depositors of "Bakai Bank".

In practice it looks like overdraft on the card account. Overdraft "Instant Advance" is convenient because it can become a reserve for unplanned cases.

Conditions for Overdraft:

  • Participant of the salary project and/or availability of the deposit in Bakai Bank
  • Length of service in the salary project 12 months
  • Term Overdraft: 12 months (can be prolonged)
  • Up to 80% of salary, you should leave an application in "Bakai Bank"
  • Over 80% of average monthly salary and up to 3 average monthly salaries additionally one guarantor from the salary project is needed
  • Interest rate - 28% per annum


For detailed information please reach our call-center by dialing 6111 or get information directly at one of the "Bakai Bank" branches.

Three Steps to a New Bakai Bank Card

Fill out an application
It takes 2 minutes, all you need is a contact person and a phone number
Wait for the operator to call you
We'll let you know when and where to pick up the card when it's ready
Pick up your card
Come to a bank office and present your passport