Islamic financial center VISA Payment card
  • Currency : KGS, USD
  • Issue : Free of charge
  • Annual maintenance fee : First year - 0, subsequent years - 500 soms/$5

Islamic Finance Center Visa Gold Card

This product complies with the Islamic principles of financing, and has been agreed and approved by the Shariah Council of the Bank. Now the owners of the Islamic Finance Center card have an excellent opportunity to pay for purchases, make transfers and perform other operations, within the framework provided by the Islamic principles of banking services.

With IFC cards no interest is accrued on cash balances on cards. With cash balances on cards the Bank does not perform any operations that are contrary to the Shariah principles of Islam.

No interest is charged for cash deposits to the Visa Gold IFC cards; the deposits to the IFC cards at the "Bakai Bank" cash desks are free of charge.

There are system restrictions on Visa Gold IFC, purchases at specialized establishments are blocked on the program level, such as:

∙ alcohol, tobacco stores;

∙ entertainment and entertainment facilities, betting shops;

∙ Websites with obscene content;

The Bank shall not be liable for incorrect registration in the payment systems of retail stores, which carry out their activities in a different way or direction from their main activity.

For more information please reach our contact center by dialing 6111 or visit one of the Bakai Bank branches.

Friendly Network

"Friendly Network" is a wide network of ATMs and terminals throughout Kyrgyzstan. For the convenience of customers, banks, merged their devices into a single network that serves cards.

  • over 400 ATMs;
  • over 606 cash points (POS-terminals).

Our cardholders can withdraw cash with payment cards of Elcard/VISA in devices of Friendly network on the tariffs of OJSC Bakai Bank.

The Friendly network includes the following banks:

OJSC Bakai Bank


CJSC "Bank of Asia",

OJSC "Dos-Credit Bank

Finance Credit Bank CAB

OJSC "Capital Bank”


For more detailed information please reach our call-center by dialing 6111 or visit "Bakai Bank" branches directly

Three Steps to a New Bakai Bank Card

Fill out an application
It takes 2 minutes, all you need is a contact person and a phone number
Wait for the operator to call you
We'll let you know when and where to pick up the card when it's ready
Pick up your card
Come to a bank office and present your passport