If your card has been lost or stolen, you can lock it on Bakai24 application or you can call us on:
— Contact-center: +996 (312) 61-00-61, +996 (554) 00-61-11, 6111.
— Technical support of cards (24/7): +996 (312) 66-43-25, 66-50-83.
— Department of bank cards (с09:00-18:00, lunch: 12:00-13:00) +996 (559) 77-81-81, +996 (552) 77-81-81, +996 (551) 77-81-81, +996 (553) 77-81-81, +996 (558) 77-81-81, +996 (998) 77-81-81, +996 (503) 77-81-81, +996 (701) 88-81-81.
Visa international payment system cards issued by Bakai Bank have number of undeniable advantages: