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Collateral-free loan up to 500 000 KGS Consumer loan

from 10 000 to 500 000 KGS
any purpose
from 3 to 36 months
from 21%*

Collateral-free "Extra Express" loans can be obtained by everyone: both customers who use Bakai Bank's card for receiving salary as well as third-party individuals. You can apply for a loan in Bishkek, Osh and other cities of Kyrgyzstan in any bank branch where the loan specialist is present.

Who can qualify?

  • Age 21 to 65 years old, for salary and/or pension cardholders of the Bank - up to 70 years old
  • Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Permanent stable income, supported with documents (certificate of income / patent / certificate of Individual Enterpreneur)

Currency: Soms

Amount: 10 000 to 500 000 soms

Terms: 3 to 36 months

Collateral: Up to 300 000 soms - without cosigner, over 300 001 soms - 1 cosigner

Spousal consent is required for loans up to 100 000 soms

Repayment: monthly - annuity as per established loan repayment schedule

Type of loan CurrencyMaximum amount, KGSInterest rate, per annum
Extraexpress for Payroll members KGS up to 500 000 KGS21%*
Extraexpress up to 500 000 KGS24%*

*until 31.08.2024 

Effective interest rate:

*for salary and/or pension cardholders of the Bank - 23.20%;

*for individuals with proof of official income - 26.89%.



List of documents:

  • Copies of passports of the Borrower, his/her spouse, cosigner and their spouses (if any)
  • Copies of his/her spouse's passport and marriage certificate are required only for loans over 100,000 soms

For Individuals:

  • Salary certificate for the past 3-12 months, pension, or a bank statement certified by a bank employee's signature or bank account statements from other banks for the specified period of salary receipt 

For Individual Entrepreneurs:

  • Copies of IE/Patent Certificates for the past 1-3 months
  • Original certificate from local municipality on existence of livestock and/or documents on existence of farmland

And other documents necessary for loan processing according to the legislation of KR

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Loan amount

Amount not selected

Interest rate

28 %

Monthly payment


Total repayment


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