Bakai Bank - caring for Kyrgyzstan!

17 October 2022

"There's a firm rule: 
Get up in the morning, wash your face,
you clean yourself up
and you immediately tidy up your planet."

© Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


As you know - before you begin changing the world, you need to put your own house in order. For many years Bakai Bank has consistently advocated a responsible and respectful attitude towards nature and ecology, and has initiated and actively participated in many environmental projects.

That is why the Bank's team decided to hold the traditional annual subbotnik throughout the Republic. Thus, last weekend the Bank's branches took part in cleaning and improving parks, public gardens and recreation areas across the country.

Kychan Dzhakypov Park

Heroes do not look for easy ways and our Head Office chose the park named after Kychan Dzhakypov for the clean-up event (subbotnik), which was in a deplorable condition and looked more like a wasteland. However, after the efforts of our staff, the park began to take on a more civilized appearance. Having cleared the mountains of garbage, cleaned the main areas, and put the park in general order, we once again saw that we need a comprehensive approach to environmental issues, cleanliness and order.

Let's bring the park back to its former beauty!

For this reason, it was decided to continue to improve this park in the future in order to finally turn it into a place of pleasant recreation for citizens.

In addition, by the efforts of the Bank's employees subbotniks were held in all regions of our republic. We are convinced that joint and consistent actions can turn our country into a blooming land.

Bakai Bank.
Caring for Kyrgyzstan!
