"Bakai Bank" sets high standards: successful cybersecurity expert meeting demonstrates commitment to customer security

14 March 2024

A round table on combating transnational crime in the IT sphere was held in Bishkek at the initiative of Bakai Bank OJSC. Leading experts in the field of digitalization and cyber security discussed current threats and ways to counter them. Representatives of government agencies and private organizations joined in developing practical solutions and adopting a unified cybersecurity strategy.

Ensuring the safety of funds held in bank accounts and cards is the main task of financial institutions to which customers entrust their personal savings. Considering this not just its duty, but an important mission, Bakai Bank, with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, created an expert platform, offering all stakeholders to join efforts to identify and neutralize both internal and external cyber threats emanating from near and far abroad.

"Our concern for the security and privacy of our customers always comes first. Not only do we strive to provide them with the best financial services, but we also do our best to protect them from threats in cyberspace and seek to guard against fraudsters. Therefore, today's event is part of our commitment to improve security in the digital world. We have invited leading experts and representatives of public and private entities to work together to find solutions and develop strategies to combat fraud. We hope that our discussion will bring results and help make the financial environment safer for everyone," said Aidai Mokusheva, Director of the Marketing Department of Bakai Bank.

The participants of the meeting shared their experience in countering cybercrime, including the use of anti-fraud systems in the banking sector to protect any monetary transactions, the training of employees of cellular companies to recognize and stop fraudulent schemes, and the prompt response of law enforcement agencies to appeals from aggrieved citizens. A complete and relevant package of measures to expose and apprehend criminals who, with the development of artificial intelligence, are coming up with new ways to swindle money. For example, fraudsters have learned to use neural networks to imitate voices. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a spike in phone fraud in Kyrgyzstan occurred in February of this year. Dozens of gullible citizens in Bishkek alone became victims of attackers, and the total damage from criminal actions exceeded 43 million soms.

As experts emphasize, the effectiveness of the fight against cybercrime depends largely on bank card holders and e-wallet users themselves. Insufficient awareness of protection methods in the online environment, the transfer of secret data to outsiders, and the use of insecure passwords only contribute to the growing number of victims at the hands of fraudsters.

"Therefore, we urge customers to adhere to basic security rules and never share personal data with third parties, even if they introduce themselves by phone or in messengers as bank employees. The bank will never ask the client for confidential information: CVV-code, card number, password. And if you still have doubts, you can always ask a question on the hotline, in the call center or find the latest information on the official website. Be vigilant and careful," says Aidai Mokusheva.

Following the closed discussion, an action plan to counter cyber fraudsters was developed, which included a number of practical actions. As the moderator of the meeting, Almazbek Duisheev, Head of the Economic Security Division of the Corporate Security Department of Bakai Bank OJSC, expressed his hope, it is possible that in the future this final document will determine the order of interaction between commercial banks, law enforcement agencies and government bodies to achieve a common key objective - to fully ensure cyber security of the country.
