Major BakAi Update. Launch of transformation.

02 April 2024

Over the past eight years, our Bank has been developing the mobile application and presenting it as an indispensable tool in the financial sphere. Today we are delighted to introduce the new design and new features of the BakAi application.

Design and Symbolism. The new BakAi logo is inspired by the characteristics of Bakai, Manas' advisor, symbolizing wisdom, insight, fairness and responsibility. The blue color represents stability and the red color symbolizes determination and leadership.

Values of the App.BakAi mobile application is based on intelligence, innovation, integrity and security.

What's new in BakAi app?

- Navigation and design. Users can easily navigate the app on an intuitive level. Tasks are solved in a couple of clicks. Interaction with the app is convenient.

- Security. Advanced methods of user verification (authentication) and data protection when using the application are implemented.

BakAi is a payment for services in a couple of clicks with a high level of security:

- transfers by phone number;
- payment for utilities, TV, internet, mobile services;
- payment for government services;
- money transfers to Russian bank cards;
- money transfers to cards of Kazakhstan banks.

BakAi - financial opportunities with high safety level:

- online deposit opening;
- online loan up to 200,000 soms;
- debt verification;
- passport data verification;
- opening a virtual card of Visa Classic, Visa Gold or Visa card;
- paying via QR code;
- online banking, state services, MHI policy, E-patent;
- account and card management.

Go to BakAi and discover financial opportunities!
