Cleanliness is a common cause. "Bakai Bank" handed over new uniforms to "Tazalyk" workers

15 May 2023

"Bakai Bank" sponsored the municipal enterprise "Tazalyk", presenting its employees with 500 sets of reflective vests.

"We are thankful to the employees of the municipal enterprise, its workers, and thanks to their work our city remains clean and beautiful. Today we handed over the first batch of uniforms. This is our small contribution we make to the common cause - to improve the quality of life of the capital and its cleanliness", - said Nurgul Satarova, Chairman of the Management Board of Bakai Bank.

According to her, in the near future Tazalyk will be provided with 120 sets of protective clothing - work overalls and jackets. The sewing shop of the Kyrgyz Society for the Blind and the Deaf is producing them to the company's order and with the financial support of the bank. Thus, the bank decided to support not only "Tazalyk", but also people with disabilities working in the clothing industry of the republic.

"Unfortunately, in the old orange vests, our workers on the roads were poorly visible at night. The orange vests were poorly reflected in the headlights. This caused a lot of accidents. Over the years a number of problems have accumulated in the work of the enterprise, and we are grateful to Bakai Bank for its help in solving them. I'm sure that together we can make our city cleaner and more beautiful," said Ramis Aliyev, director of "Tazalyk".

The first trial batch of reflective vests was distributed among the street cleaners who clean the streets of Bishkek deep into the night and work until morning.

Ramis Aliyev said that every day in the capital about 600 tons of garbage is collected and taken to the sanitary landfill. More than 500 employees are involved in this work. The total staff of the enterprise is 1.5 thousand people.

The transfer of overalls was the first project of "Bakai Bank" to provide sponsorship assistance to "Tazalyk". However, the work will not stop there. The company plans to continue supporting the municipal enterprise.
