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Branch schedule for March 8, 2023

07 March 2023

Congratulations to the ladies on International Women's Day! Let your wishes come true and your life be filled with bright colors.

We remind you that the following bank branches will be open on March 8, 2023:

Name of branch:Address:Schedule for March 08, 2023.
Mossovet branch125 Abdrakhmanov Street, Bishkek08:00 - 24:00 (without lunch)
No.154 Savings Bank3 Ch. Aitmatov Avenue, ASIA MALL, 1st floor, shop Z (4)1, Bishkek10:00 - 21:00 (13:00 - 14:00 lunch) 
No.156 Savings Bank91 Shopokova St., TSUM-2 shopping mall, shop L-10m Bishkek10:00 - 21:00 (without lunch) 
No.11 Savings Bank53/1 Tokombaeva St., GLOBUS shopping center, Bishkek09:00-21:00 (lunch from 13:00-14:00)
No.25 Savings Bank1 Gorky St., "Tash-Rabat" mall 1 floor, Bishkek10:00-20:00 (lunch from 13:00-13:30)
No.7 Savings Bank27/1 Gorky St., "Tash-Rabat" mall 1 floor, Bishkek (Vefa Business Center)09.00-21.30 (without lunch)
No.15 Savings Bank148 Kievskaya Street (Bishkek Park Shopping Mall), Bishkek10.00-21.30 (without lunch)
No.51 Savings Bank92 Chuy Ave., Chynar GUM (entrance from Shopokova St., 0 floor), Bishkek10.00-21.00 (without lunch)
No.37 Savings BankOsh branch of Manas International Airport OJSC, Osh city24/7
