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Bishkek branch schedule for July 27, 2023

26 July 2023

Dear clients,

Please be advised of the following hours for the Bishkek branches on July 27, 2023: 

Name of branch: Address: Operating hours: 
Bishkek branch 357 K.Akiev St. 08:30 to 15:00 (without lunch break)
No.49 Savings Bank Kozhevennaya St., northern parking lot, stall 4-197, No.3-142/2 "Dordoi Chimkent" market 08:30 to 14:45 (without lunch break)
No.50 Savings Bank 110 Lev Tolstoy St.08:30 to 15:00 (without lunch break)
No.52 Savings Bank 204 Chui Av., "Bereket Grand" shopping mall, floor 108:30 to 15:00 (without lunch break)
No.117 Savings Bank 1 Kozhevennaya St., Kerben Dordoi market, (aisle 4, stall No.9)08:30 to 14:45 (without lunch break)
No.155 Savings Bank 2 Ch. Valihanov St., "Ayu Grand Comfort" shopping mall, north side, floor 1, No.С-11308:30 to 14:45 (without lunch break)

Please check with the Contact Center at the number 6111 for the addresses of the nearest branches. The call is free of charge from the numbers of any cellular providers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Thank you for your understanding!
