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Moody's confirmed the stability and reliability of Bakai Bank

23 May 2024

International rating agency Moody's confirmed the reliability of “Bakai Bank”, noting its long-term ratings of deposits in national and foreign currencies at the level of B3. The outlook on these indicators was changed to stable, which indicates trust and strong confidence in the future of the bank.

Moody's analysts noted the resilience of Bakai Bank to geopolitical and economic challenges. The Bank managed to maintain its creditworthiness due to high economic activity in Kyrgyzstan. This positive trend is expected to continue in the future.

Moody's also noted the growth of deposits of “Bakai Bank” by 3.5 times in 2022-2023 and expressed confidence in the stability of the bank in the next 12-18 months. This assessment of the agency signals the confidence of customers in the bank, its stability and reliability.

“Economic growth and lower inflation in Kyrgyzstan will lead to improved creditworthiness of borrowers, which will allow the bank to keep asset quality under control,” the agency said in its independent assessment of Bakai Bank.

According to analysts of the agency, reduction of risks in the economic environment will allow “Bakai Bank” to keep key credit indicators at a stable level in the near future, creating conditions for strong capitalization and further development of the bank.

To remind, “Bakai Bank” is the only bank in Kyrgyzstan with an international credit rating of Moody's, which confirms its reliability and prospects.

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