Bakai Bank card discounts

Pay with Bakai Bank debit or credit cards at partner institutions and get discounts of up to 20%!

PartnerCategoryElcardVisa ClassicVisa GoldVisa InfiniteVisa Business
AdamedMedical center 5%5%5%5%5%
Vita DentDental clinic10%10%10%10%10%
Bonetsy LaboratoryLaboratory5%5%5%5%5%
BodrostSauna complex-5%10%15%-
Center Bar KaraokeBar, karaoke5%5%10%15%5%
Climber BysunoMens apparel10%10%15%15%10%
BretelleWomens apparel--10%15%-
Polsha_kgKids apparel2%2%2%2%2%
Tony MolyKorean cosmetic store7%7%7%7%7%
НикаJewelry store20%20%20%20%20%
Mia homeHome decor 5%5%5%5%5%
GreyderShoe store3%3%5%7%5%
EtorShoe store 3%3%5%7%5%
Sumki by NazgulyaBags store 7%7%10%10%10%

Card discounts do not apply to goods and/or services that are already discounted at the point of sale during the sale period.