Bakai Bank - sports involvement

23 December 2022

The other day a press conference on the year end results was held in the office of the National Olympic Committee. The event was opened by NOC Secretary General Kylychbek Sarbagishev, who thanked the committee's partners for supporting the development of sports in the Kyrgyz Republic.

- We thank our partner, Bakai Bank, which signed a long-term three-year contract with us. Being a bank with 100% Kyrgyz capital, they support our ecology, local business, and from this year also our athletes," Kylychbek Sarbagishev emphasized.

Nurgul Satarova, Chairman of the Management Board, spoke on behalf of Bakai Bank: 

- Sport is the future of our country. We are pleased to be an official partner of the National Olympic Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and hope that our partnership will make a significant contribution to the development of sports in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The NOC of the Kyrgyz Republic together with its partners, OJSC Bakai Bank and Alliance Altyn, solemnly presented the leading sports federations with money certificates worth a total of 4 million soms.

Wrestling Federation - 2 million soms;
Boxing Federation - 1 million soms;
Rowing Federation - 500,000 soms;
Weightlifting Federation - 500,000 soms.
