"Bakai Bank" added books in the Kyrgyz language to the collection of the National Library

19 June 2023

The unique collection "Kyrgyz makal, lakap, uchkul sozdor" became even more accessible to the readers of Kyrgyzstan. "Bakai Bank donated a batch of books to the collection of the National Library named after Alykul Osmonov. The ceremony was attended by Nuriyana Baisakova, Acting Director of the library, and Nurgul Satarova, Chairman of the Management Board.

According to the administration of the National Library, there are 6 million books in its collection today. Replenishing the collection is always an important event.

"On behalf of the entire staff and our readers, I want to express my gratitude to the management of "Bakai Bank" for such an important effort. In recent years, the library has not been replenished with new books, as funds for this are not allocated from the national budget. The books are donated to us by the authors themselves, international organizations and the Union of Writers. There is an acute shortage of literature in the Kyrgyz language. It is about 20 percent of the total library stock", - said Nuriyana Baisakova.

The collection "Kyrgyz makal, lakap, uchkul sozdor", which preserves the history and wisdom of the Kyrgyz people.

Its author, Mukhamed Ibragimov, is an honored industrialist of Kyrgyzstan, one of the founders of Bakai Bank, a man who made a huge contribution to the all-round development of the independent republic and devoted himself and his whole life to the cause of creation.

In turn, the Chairman of the Management Board Nurgul Satarova thanked the leadership of the library for the reverent attitude to the native language and the promotion of the reading among young people.

"The collection "Kyrgyz makal, lakap, uchkul sozdor" is just the bridge over which the wisdom of our ancestors is transmitted to the younger generation. This book will help to instill in young Kyrgyzstanis not only love and care for the language, but also for our traditions," said Nurgul Satarova.

Part of the books will remain in the collection of the National Library named after Alykul Osmonov, and the rest will be distributed among the district libraries.

We note that the presentation of books is held within the framework as part of the "25 years - 25 good deeds" events organized by the "Bakai Bank" in its jubilee year.

We had previously donated more than 5,000 books to the Ministry of Education to replenish school libraries in the republic.

Together with our partners, we provided aid to the Panfilov boarding school for orphans and children left with no parental care. Also this year our employees handed out furniture to four schools in Bishkek and the Chui region. More than 3,000 children now attend these educational institutions.
